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Type: Posts; User: TheHeroKilledTheClown

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  1. How many days can fish go without food? Tropical fish?

    I'm saying with some relatives for the summer and they have a couple tanks with tropical fish. I know there are clown fish, but I'm unsure of the other types.
    Anyway, they've gone away on vacation...
  2. "New Day" by Kate Havnevik. It's on her Myspace...

    "New Day" by Kate Havnevik.
    It's on her Myspace page if you'd like to check it out:
  3. Replies

    DVD player stopped working?

    I have a Sylvannia DVD/VCR player and it recently stopped working. I understand it isn't exactly a quality player (I won it at my senior year party) but I thought I could get more than a year out of...
  4. Ugh I agree, her voice really gets on my nerves. ...

    Ugh I agree, her voice really gets on my nerves.
    I'm also opposed to the whole '30 Minute Meals' thing because even she admits that the show is highly coordinated and everything has been prepped...
  5. Replies

    Baby Mama? Did you see it?

    Did anyone see Baby Mama tonight? What did you think? Please put some thought into your answer.
    I'm thinking about seeing it tomorrow, but I've heard mixed reviews.
  6. The Best Of Jill Hives in a movie?

    I feel like I've heard the song The Best Of Jill Hives (by Guided By Voices) in a movie. Does anyone know of any films it has been featured in?
  7. She married someone else whom we never saw. A...

    She married someone else whom we never saw. A piece of her always loved Jack, I believe, but she understood that she had to move on. The pictures at the end showed that she lived her life to the...
  8. Kiss Kiss, Bang Bang Finding Neverland Saved!...

    Kiss Kiss, Bang Bang
    Finding Neverland
    The Big Lebowski
    Fight Club

    ...I could keep going. I like a lot of movies.
  9. Inside the box were the remains of Zach's (Mary...

    Inside the box were the remains of Zach's (Mary Alice's son) real mother. Throughout the season it was revealed that Mary Alice killed herself because Zach was given to them by a drug addled woman...
  10. Jurassic Bark or Luck of the Fryrish?

    Which episode of Futurama do you think is the saddest:
    Jurassic Bark or Luck of the Fryrish?

    Personally, I think it's Luck of the Fryrish. To this day I tear up a bit when Yancy is naming his...
  11. Replies

    If you were to provide sound reasoning in your...

    If you were to provide sound reasoning in your belief perhaps I would listen. However, considering you didn't even take the time to type the word 'people' I will conclude this matter holds little or...
  12. Yes, it's my life goal to write a composition...

    Yes, it's my life goal to write a composition (for someone else, mind you) on two completely unrelated movies, and crappy ones at that.
  13. Johnny Depp, Robert Downey Jr, John Cusack......

    Johnny Depp, Robert Downey Jr, John Cusack... plus many more.
  14. Are the Jonas Brothers a single entity now? I'm...

    Are the Jonas Brothers a single entity now?
    I'm sure they've had girlfriends that aren't celebrities, but if you're implying would they date you the chances are slim to none. One cannot connect...
  15. Replies

    I watched that episode this weekend and was...

    I watched that episode this weekend and was curious as well. TV Squad lists it as this:

    1) I Wanna Rock -- Twisted Sister
    2) You Give Love A Bad Name -- BJ (Bon Jovi)
    3) Lick It Up -- KISS
  16. Arrested Development. It techinically isn't...

    Arrested Development.
    It techinically isn't 'new' TV as it was cancelled several years ago, but I'm certain you haven't seen it and it is without a doubt the greatest comedy to ever grace television.
  17. This is the Hulk 2. Sequels generally come out...

    This is the Hulk 2. Sequels generally come out fairly soon following the first.
  18. Bollywood is an Indian genre of film. I don't...

    Bollywood is an Indian genre of film.
    I don't know much about it, but here's a Wiki article:
  19. I'm not a fan of overly muscular men, there...

    I'm not a fan of overly muscular men, there really isn't anything attractive about them in my eyes. Saying this, I clearly watched it for the storyline.
  20. Taco Bell commercial- girl from Superbad?

    There's a new Taco Bell commercial involving some new bacon club something or another. The girl and her friend are at a club, and the friend asks if she smells bacon. The girl has one of these new...
  21. The Sword in the Stone?

    The Sword in the Stone?
  22. Benny & Joon

    Benny & Joon
  23. Replies

    Finding Neverland. It moved me and changed my...

    Finding Neverland.
    It moved me and changed my outlook on life completely.
  24. Replies

    Finding Neverland. It moved me and changed my...

    Finding Neverland.
    It moved me and changed my outlook on life completely.
Results 1 to 24 of 24
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