I am a young adult, as is my boyfriend, though he is my senior by 3 years.

I just feel so dissatisfied by sex. He is almost vicious about it, like throwing me down and having his way with me, taking me from behind, biting, scratching.. you name it.

but i just want to make love. Id give anything to just kiss and go slow. I just want him to take his time. Am i not worth it? Or am i just being a stupid girl?

I would really appreciate some insight and/or suggestions

8 minutes ago
We talked about a while back, and things changed for a week or so.. but now its even worse than before. Like he gets really out of control sometimes.. and im flattered that he just lusts for me... but it HURTS! I havent climaxed in like a MONTH! which may be typical for women, but not for me. it downright sucks .lol