Have you ever been made fun of, ridiculed and mocked for believing in Jesus? This isn’t something strange, it happens to everyone who is a true believer in Christ. A mocker is someone that tries to discredit a statement by making fun of it. This reminds me of a time when the Lord sent me to give a word in a church. After the service ended, one of the women from the congregation invited us to join her for dinner at her home. When we arrived I sat in the dining room waiting for the dinner to be prepared. I heard the associate pastor and his wife talking to a gentleman about receiving Christ as his personal Savior. As they were introducing the Plan of Salvation to him, he laughed and mocked at what they were saying. Thankfully this man later did receive Christ, but this reminds me about those that still haven’t. This is a serious matter folks and it is sad to say, but some of these people are in our own family. Every time I think about the story of Noah, I start to imagine as Noah was building the ark, what the people were saying about him. Look at this crazy man building an ark on dry land. Then I start to wonder about the final moment of their lives, as the ark’s doors were shut and the waters started to rise. Who are the mockers? They are the people that are lost and unable to see the dangers of the coming storm.2 Chronicles 36:16 But they continually mocked the messengers of God, despised His words and scoffed at His prophets, until the wrath of the LORD arose against His people, until there was no remedy.
