I work out about 6 days a week, I try to go everyday, but sometimes I take a day or two off every couple of weeks.
I travel about 4.5 - 5 miles on an elliptical machine. I vary from jogging, to running, to different resistances and so forth. Then, every other day I do weight lifting. I use the Stairmaster Gravitron for pull ups and bar dips (60 reps of each) and about every week I increase the difficulty. Then I also do curls and bench press, and continually increase the weight there as well.
As for eating, I count calories and watch what I eat. I shoot for no more than 1500 calories a day. (I'm 5'7, 165 lbs. so my bmr is around 2000) Meals consist of sandwiches, lean cuisines, soups (low calorie ones), and cereal (healthy kinds), and usually a granola bar for a snack. Sometimes a have one of those small 90 calorie rice crispy treats in the evening after dinner. And I only drink water throughout the day. I have milk with cereal in the mornings. And maybe once a month I treat myself to a soda at the movie theater.

I have been doing this for about 2 months, possibly a little more.

The problem doesn't seem to be with muscle. I am gaining muscle and its showing nicely. The problem is with losing the fat. Mostly around stomach and chest areas. (I'm a male by the way) I have noticed a little difference, but nothing substantial. Or I could also be being too hard on myself, I am known to have a very poor self image.

I am just wondering if there is something I could do better to lose more of the fat....?