Hey so the other night i tried DXM for the first time and i got really bad itch maybe hives from it, really really bad thought i was going to die, and i was wondering if that is going to happen every time with me? I was used Robotussin cough gels and took 20 (300mg) of them the only active ingredient was Dextromethorphan HBr USP (15 mg) am i just chemically screwed some how when it comes to this drug? i was able to stop the itch after sometime by using benadryl and aloe vera lotion but the initial effects of the itch are still not worth it and they ruined the rest of the trip. So I am just wondering what your opinion on the matter was, is it safe for me to try again, will i get that itch again or do you think it was just the type of cough medication i used?

Thank you very much