Well, my period started on the 31st of last month, and then seemed to stop completely on the 2nd (but got a little heavy again and had some spotting on the 3rd and 4th). My boyfriend and I had sex (with a condom, mind you, so this isn't an am-I-pregnant question) on the 2nd and 3rd. After that, I dried all up down there, which is normal. Well, I've started watching what I eat and exercising a little, and today I ran with my dog (but nothing out of the ordinary). Just about 10 minutes ago, I had more diarrhea (sorry TMI) and I think that's from changing my diet, but when I happened to glance down, there was a long, stretchy strand of pinkish CM hanging from my vaginal opening, and it was VERY stretchy. When I wiped, there was a little bit of red blood mixed in with the CM. This has never happened before. Do you think it's from exercising? Or could this be ovulation spotting? My bf and I haven't had sex since the 4th, so it can't be from that. Should I be worried?