She seems to have had a past traumatic experience and recently ever since she's been going to these "prayer groups" shes been letting it all out on me(19) and my dad. My younger brother(15) is getting less of it because he's recently become her favorite with her defending him all the time for insignificant things. She has this problem of ALWAYS exaggerating the stories to make them sound bad (for me) and she thinks that EVERYONE is talking behind her back (in a bad way). She is has NOT been letting out her experience at the group (I don't want to know either hearing the sound of it). Thing is I've reached my limit with her and I'm probably going to have to drop out of my engineering course due to the STRESS. Also just to clarify I'm an extremely reasonable and patient person that understands her pain but its getting overboard now , I like to be non biased either so I don't know what to think. I need help from an outside view.