I really need help on losing my belly fat. Because i have a lot and it's really ugly. I want to have a flat stomach before school.
-So i need help on what to do?!
I tried running and i only managed to run for 3-4 miles in 15 minutes and got really tired. And I only burned like 90 calories. A pound of fat is 3500 calories!
-I also need help on food!
I tried eating as little as possible but i just end up getting hungry and not caring anymore and just eat!!! What am i going to do to avoid temptations? I think i just gained more than 1200 calories today! I had like 3 bowls of cereal, a bowl of oats, 1 serving of yoghurt and a piece of bread!!! Wahh! Instead of losing weight i'm gaining more and more. Anyway for exersise, I walked for like 25 mins, skipped rope 100 times and did sit-ups for 30 times.

Other details : I weigh probably 48kg and i'm 5 ft. 2 inches and i'm 14.