Hi, and thanks for looking at my question. I have had Mirena now for about 6 mos. I have never been able to feel my strings, but I knew the chances of it expelling are very slim, so I haven't really given it much thought, that is until about a week ago. Since Mirena I have had short, light periods, with minimal cramping. About a week ago, I started my period--full force, cramps, nausuea, head aches every thing, but it has now been like seven days and I am still bleeding. I know the best thing to do is go to doctor, but because of layoffs, I do not have the means to see a doctor right now. I have done reasearch, but cannot find out anything that says your body's reaction to expelling Mirena. So if you have experienced Mirena falling out or taken out, please let me know how your body reacted. Thanks