psychological evaluation? I was separated from husband / have daughter.

In Oct06, I let Jim (friend) borrow $400 to move. Jim is ex-con so I felt bad. In dec06, I borrowed $1500 from Ron (friend) for mortgage.

In Jun07, I had not paid anything back to Ron so he made it a gift. I told Ron I cared about him a lot but wasn't sure if I could accept the gift. I told Ron I was dreaming about him.

Jul07 Ron and I were eating lunch. We went to best buy and I mentioned wanting to buy a WII for my daughter and Ron felt like I was trying to get him to buy it. Ron found out but the loan between Jim and I. He asked Jim about it. Ron says I used him. I had my hubby threaten Ron so he'd stop telling me this. I sent $50 check and told him never talk to me again. Ron ripped it up.

Dec07 Ron gift card for for xmas.

Jan08, Ron told Jim to send $400 to me. Ron told jim, "its the right thing to do..". Ron sent me $400 on behalf of Jim and then Ron told Jim off and said to make contact to pay his debt.

Ron emails me daily