My bf,he's 25,called me at work yesterday and said that his stomach was hurting. I told him to lay down and take Pepto/Dramamine and he'd be fine. When I got home a couple hours later,he still felt sick and had vomited a couple times. He took more medicine and laid down with a cold towel on his stomach. That didn't help much and neither of us got alot of sleep last night. Today,same story. He hasn't had a cold or anything like that and he doesn't have a fever. He refuses to go to the doctor/hospital but is still miserable. As for his diet, it basically consists of gummy bears/worms,zebra cakes,honey buns,donuts,cheetos,doritos,fritos,sour straws and any other junk food you can think of. Yes,I know but he refuses to change and he's been eating like that since he was a kid. He's positive it's not his diet. I keep telling him it is and he keeps saying it's not. So that's why we ask you. What do you think it is? <let me know if you need any more info.>