...getting this bump right next to t?
At first, I thought it was because of the fact that I bumped my stud up against something, and I was playing with it too much. But, after like, 2 days the bump would always go away. It was pus filled (white color). But, as the months went by I would get it like once a month and then twice a month and it would stay longer.
So, I started getting fed up with always getting this embarrassing bump and started popping it/poking it with a safety pin. My mom suggested I go to the doctor and he said it looks like a cyst.

And now, after these lame 4 months. I've been researching and some people say it might be a keloid. I have 3 piercings in each ear and I never had any problems. Yes, I am African American/Arab but I don't know if that makes me automatically prone to getting keloids. 'Cuz no one in my family says they've had this problem. I am really worried and I'm planning on seeing a dermatologist about it. I'm afraid it'll get all big and take over my nose, then my face, and then my life