In any normal situation, I sometimes just zone out and start thinking about things. Not usually pleasant things. The other day I was at school, and my friends and me were down by the gates where we normally go for lunch and I didn’t realise what I was doing, well I did but I didn’t (if that makes any sense, which I doubt it did). I was thinking of myself in a different situation, on the shore by the violent sea, and being pulled in. It was really clear, and I felt like it was actually happening, even though I knew I was actually at school I still felt terrified. It’s kind of hard to explain, I knew where I was and in a way I knew I was safe, yet I was still frightened. My friends said that while I zoned out I was staring into space with my mouth open. This has happened on more than one occasion, in fact very frequently. Continued In Details...
It isn’t always the ocean scenario I think of, a lot of other ones, some worse, but all scary. I dream about things like that as well, those happen as often as the conscious thoughts…
I haven’t been watching/reading anything scary for obvious reasons (that would most probably lead to worse thoughts). I would accept if this happened once in a while, but it is happening so often now…

What can I do to stop it, or do I just have to live with it?