My job requires a urine and blood examination.
My results have came back and these were bought up;

Everything was normal besides;
Leucocytes: High 70 x10^6/L
Erythrocytes: High 250 x10^6/L

Blood test:
Everything was normal bar this;
LDH: High 248 U/L
with a subnote:
Evidence of mild specimen haemolysis - typically this is an artefact of blood collection. There may be a slight elevation of LD and reduction in direct bilirubin.

My employer has asked for further tests for the following reasons:

Microscopie haematuria and proteinuria No growth on urine mcs
Elevated LDH on routine ELFTs
And has asked for another urine and blood test.

What went wrong?
I'll be having my examinations soon, is there anything I can do to get 'normal' results?