I know Yahoo Answers isn't a medical site, but if there are any laboratory technicians or doctors visiting, I hope you can answer this question for me, until I'm able to speak with my physician.

My lab test results always have the same flags and/or stats listed for the 9 tests below. I feel fine, so I suspect things are fine, but are the numbers cause for concern, even though they are high and/or low?

Note: I fasted 12 hours before the tests, and I've listed the ranges for the particular lab which took my blood.


Comprehensive Metabolic Panel

-Electrolyte Panel
- Glucose 66(low) range 70-99 mg/dL
- ALT (SGPT) 27(low) range 30-65 U/L
- Bilirubin Total 1.1(high) range <1.0

- MCH 26.8(low) range 27.7-33.1 pg
- MCHC 32.7 (low) range 33.0-36.1 g/DL


Urinalysis Complete - Uruad Dipstick
- Ketone 10(abnormal) range Negative mg/dL
- Spec Grav 1.004 (Low) range 1.005-1.030

Uruam Microscopic
- Bacteria “few”(abnormal) range none seen
- EPI Squamous 10(high) range 0-0