I cut my three of my fingers on a meat slicer last Friday. Two of them are fine but I thought the pinky might have needed stitches. When I went to the hospital they glued the cuts shut and put some bandaids on it.
It's now Monday night and my pinky looks terrible. I went back in yesterday to the hospital because it looked infected, but it was just fluid under the glue. It's not infected, but it won't bend at the top.
I cut my pinky horizontally across the top knuckle. I can bend it in towards the palm of my hand, but I can't bend it back a little the way I used to or even bend it straight without manually bending it with my other hand.When my hand is relaxed it's bent funny and it looks gross.
When I went to the hospital the second time, the doctor merely bent my finger back and forth a few times and proclaimed me fine. I'm afraid I nicked the tendon and my finger's going to stay retarded forever. Is there a time frame in which to wait before I get surgery to correct it?
This is as straight as I can get it without using my other hand to bend it.

It;s not due to pain, I just CAN'T do it.