I am currently in need of losing weight. There is so much out there about "no carbs", "counting calories", "reduce fat intake", "more protein", "saturated fats".....What works?? I just want to lose weight. I can excercise...no problem. Is it so neccesary to count everything I eat?? Or will just cutting back and watching portions do the trick? Can someone point me in the right direction on losing weight?

I'm aware there is no such thing as a "diet", just a lifestyle change. I sure as heck don't want to diet and just gain my weight back when it's over. There is so much out there that tells us "this is the way to go" but it seems so hard to do for the rest of my life! I am a very busy stay at home mom to two small children, and I'm not so sure I have the time to count everything that goes into my mouth.