I've been dealing with a lot of stress lately in my life ever since high school started. I'd like to know if there is anything that can help me get over my problems.
-I'm sooooo tired. I can go to sleep at 7:30 PM and wake up at 6:30 AM and feel like I'm going to pass out ('cause I'm tired.)
-I'm hungrier A LOT more.
-I have headaches all the time! I sleep with headaches and I wake up with them! I also get them coming back from school.
-My bowel movements are a bit more....frequent.
-I am SO irritable. I'm easily bothered and angered by every tiny thing. Yes, my anger gets the best of me sometimes. I have a lot of anxiety and I freak out over everything. I cannot concentrate and I have really, really bad memory!

-Lazy, sluggish, depressed. I have sad thoughts and I used to be a straight A student. Now I can't even motivate myself to do my homework. C

So anyway could you guys help me and tell me your thoughts on what you think is going on with me?