I'm currently a freshman, and it seems that for the past year, i am always exhausted.

I'm asleep by 11(in bed 10-10:30), and wake up a little after 6, which is the recommended amount of sleep..

What i don't understand is why i feel terrible all the time, and people can go to sleep at 3am and function normally, while i am getting twice the sleep that they are.

Over christmas break, i got at least 9 hours of sleep every night, and i feel the same, if not worse if i sleep that much. I also wake up with a terrible headache.

Could it have something to do with my ears? I've read that your sinus can screw with your body, and my ears have been acting funny lately.

For example; i am sitting at my desk, my computer is to the far left of me. I turn my head to the left and listen to the fans through the right ear, and they sound different.. cant really describe it, hollow maybe? Same goes for a phone.