points to most helpful!? hi there! I was wondering if you can help check the grammar for the following...just go over them and check for grammatical errors and if so, please make it more interesting by changing it up. thanks a ton!

State your short term goals (next 12 months).

My personal goal in the next 12 months will be to improve the quality of my life by being a healthy individual. A further weakness of mine that I wish to improve is to start to have a more positive outlook on life.

Educational: My career goal is to become a lawyer. And in order for me to become a lawyer, I need to acquire an undergrad degree. I have chosen to pursue an undergrad degree in Psychology. While being enrolled in associates of Psychology, I wish to improve my ability to think critically and solve problems as well as improving my competency in reading and writing.

Career: My career goal is to become a lawyer. In order to become a lawyer, I must pass the LSAT exam, which requires extensive preparation for. In order to be readily prepared in time, I wish to start preparing 5 years before I write it. In the next year, I wish to start preparing by self-tutoring myself. I will do this by reading as many LSAT based books as I can.