So I used to like this guy named Brian (I met him at a summer camp) and he liked me back. We lived two hours away from eachother so I wasn't able to see him and we chatted on gmail and stuff. So he asked me out and I said no because I was 13 and my mom won't let me date. He was a little mad at me and later on he kept bugging me about how he wanted to go out with me and I just kept saying no because it was getting weird. About a month ago, we were talking and he was like "so I like this girl but I'm not sure if she likes me back. She lives far away though so it would be long distance" and he told me it was me and it's that convo over and over again and all he talks about is his exs and how he wants another gf and its so annoying. One night I had a dream that he came to my school and he was following me around saying give me a chance and all that and when I woke up it was kinda one of those things where you don't slowly wake up it was a jolt and that dream scared the crud out of me because I though it was real until I realized it was just a dream. Whenever I'm on gmail and he tries to chat with me his first line was "Elena are you there? Why haven't you replied to my email?" cuz I was trying to lose contact with him. I just logged off right there and then and I don't reply to his emails but he keeps trying to chat! I've had the dream twice now. What should I do?