I have lots of friends who i hang out with but do not have one

really close friend who i feel safe and comfortable around. I can hang out with a group of friends and ill be very funny and happy but once i stop being funny i get really sad and quiet and feel as though i need to get outta that situation, i struggle to talk about mundane things i feel i always have to be humorous when talking and always have to entertain.I find that i love being by myself and prefer doing things alone, i wouldnt be able to work with sum 1 else as i feel to uncomfortable and feel as though i need to entertain them. the one time i went on a date with this girl i liked and i found i had nothing to say when we were walkin up de road and so i freaked out and felt really uncomfortable and ran away from her, oh and im 19 so it wasnt cute or any thing. i can never see myself spend a weeeks vacation with one other person i would bore them into submission