I've been absent very often this year due to sickness and I'm a junior in high school. In total, I've had about a month's worth of absences. This is causing me so much stress and I don't know how I'll get caught up. Every time I feel as if things are getting better I keep getting sick again. My mom thinks it might be stress related. Today, I was planning to go back to school and then I experienced tingling/numbness in my left arm and chest discomfort. While I was leaving the house, I started feeling dizzy and experienced a choking feeling which caused me to hyperventilated. By this time, I somewhat collapsed on the cement because I couldn't keep my equilibrium. After 10 minutes, I forced myself to get up and walk back home. I felt as if I was dying and it was a very terrifying experience. I'm getting so frustrated with myself. I don't know what I should do, should I complete the rest of the year through homeschooling?