Last night at work I hit my shin badly and hit it with a heavy object on sudden impact. Within minutes the bruise and small knot popped up. I checked a few minutes later and the knot was bigger and the bruise was too. I tried putting ice on once I got home and it wouldn't stay on and it make it hurt so much more. Well anyways, i woke up this morning at 5 because it's so badly now. Its excruciating pain and i almost feel nauseated because of the pain. And it HURTS to walk. The knot is a huge bulge now that's probably 4 inches long and 3
inches wide. With a light blue bruise covering it. Do you personally think it's just a bad bruise? Or is it something i should be worried about it? I was just wondering because the pain is killing me and my whole leg hurts, do it makes it hard to walk..

Thank you! Sorry this is so long! I appreciate it though!!