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Type: Posts; User: CindyP

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  1. my throat has white bumps and hurts REALLY bad...?

    this is the third time ive had this in the past 5 months about. but it is so much worse now. i cant really open my mouth, everytime i talk it hurts. i cant eat i can hardly drink n e thing. and it is...
  2. Replies

    razr phone wont send messages anymore?

    it was sending messages fine, but now its not sending at all. what could be wrong?
    i can receive and send out calls. and i can receive txts but i cant send them out.

    whats goin on?!
  3. i have a razr phone and i can revieve calls and i can make them, and i can...

    ...receive txts but i cant send them? i didnt know if it was my phone so i put my sim card in my sisters phone, and it still didnt let me send messages, what is goin on with my sim card or whatever??
  4. Is there a little gadget which would get rid of tiny hair above your eyebrows?

    Is there like a little machine you can simply roll above your eyebrows (or where-ever you want to get rid of the hairs) and it would get rid of it, even the most tinest hairs would be pulled out by...
  5. Is there a little gadget which would get rid of tiny hair above your eyebrows?

    Is there like a little machine you can simply roll above your eyebrows (or where-ever you want to get rid of the hairs) and it would get rid of it, even the most tinest hairs would be pulled out by...
  6. Is there a little gadget which would get rid of tiny hair above your eyebrows?

    Is there like a little machine you can simply roll above your eyebrows (or where-ever you want to get rid of the hairs) and it would get rid of it, even the most tinest hairs would be pulled out by...
  7. Replies

    How do celebrities do their eyebrows?

    They always look so perfect, when mine are the complete opposite
  8. Contact a local internet supplier and establish...

    Contact a local internet supplier and establish new service with them.
  9. how do i put music on my nokia 5310 x-press music phone?

    I just got the phone for christmas and can't figure out how to put music on it and i really don't want to pay any money.any suggestions?
  10. what kind of t-shirt do you use on the military fashion for imagine fashion designer?

    I keep trying this and i know i need to do a t-shirt and i keep making a short sleeve t-shirt and it keeps saying "maybe a short sleeved t-shirt would be better" so, what is wrong?
  11. I take Zoloft and the days I don't take it I eat a lot. Why?

    I started taking Zoloft a couple months ago and I started losing weight and eating less. Now if I don't take it for more than 2 days I just eat a lot again.
  12. Replies

    turn off, if you dont have any other original way...

    turn off, if you dont have any other original way to start a convo with me,dont waste your time
  13. can cellphone voice mail be saved to computer ?

    or to any other device ? i have been threatened and want to know if those messages can be saved as evidence other than on the phone itself.
  14. Replies

    Rate 1-10????????????????????
  15. Replies

    All about Rabbits please?!?

    have you ever had a rabbit that never got shots?
    how long did it last?
    how much are for shots?
    and how many times in a year or week?
    Any other details? thanks
    do they have literboxes?
  16. how much are rabbit cages at petsmarts??10points!!?

    how much and please have a picture of it so i can see the size and everything!!!
  17. Why is my period getting progressively worse?

    I'm 23 and my period seems to be getting worse. I have more and more symptoms of PMS. Does it get worse the older you get? Also, I have a lot of PMS symptoms during my period and not many before. ...
  18. If I take a laxative once a week would that be considered body cleansing or bulimic?

    If I just take a little less than the regular dose of Phillips would that be okay?
  19. plane fare for trip form Texas to Ca. and back?

    Does anyone know how much air fare would cost from San Antiano,Texas going to Fresno, California and back approximately?
Results 1 to 19 of 23
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