my last period was the first week of august, i skipped it in september, i took a pregnacy test last week and it was negative. I've had no symptoms of being pregnant either. I thought I was supposed to get my period around the end of september, but it never came. I'm irregular too but it always comes once a month and I've NEVER skipped one before like I did. I don't know when to expect it this month but I'm having no symptoms. What is weird though, is like, I went to the bathroom and wiped and there was no blood but like, there was the tiniest red dot on the toilet paper, I almost mistaked it for just like something on the paper but i wiped and there was another tiny red dot, but it wasn't like a period, it was like barely anything at all. Any ideas about what's going on here? I was really stressed out last month and every since I started having sex 2 months ago I'm just freaked about getting pregnant, but we've always used condoms and had no accidents. Help please! I'm worried.