On a day where you have no work and no real chores to take care of, most would get up and look for something to do. I always sleep extremely late, ranging my wake-up time from 1-6pm. I just see no point in getting up and would rather rest. Plus, currently I'm taking summer classes at college and am sitting in my dorm. My roommate left for the weekend, and I don't know anybody else here. Again, most would go out and try to meet people, but I just keep to myself. I could go to the gym, but I workout Monday through Friday and rest on the weekends, so that's out of the picture. So, there's absolutely nothing worthwhile to do. I'm not going to drive anywhere cuz gas is ridiculous and I still don't have a job, despite having applied and followed up everywhere in this nothingtown. So, given all those variables, is it really such a bad characterstic to sleep all day?