I know some symptoms of OCD include repetitive behaviors such as checking doors frequently, turning lights off and on numerous times, touching items over and over again, or washing your hands a bunch of times. All these things I have mentioned are physical things you do. My question is this. My dad thinks that he is right, not all the time, but a a lot. He is smart, and has a good education, but it seems like he doesn't like being wrong. Also, a lot of times when I say something, he finds something wrong with what I'm saying and either corrects me or says it how he thinks I should have said it. I'm an adult, and it gets frustrating sometimes. When he used to quiz me for tests for school along time ago, we would spend hours studying sometimes. I remember having to repeat myself several times to get the question right he was asking me. I could have very well been answering the question wrong, but I can remember he would get impatient with me when quizzing. He is a great dad and all, but I was just wondering if OCD can have mental symptoms? He doesn't experience any of the physical symptoms I mentioned earlier.

I think he takes Lexapro and might have depression issues from what I hear from my aunt. Can depression cause OCD behavior? Also, he is anal sometimes about one dish being left out on the sink, and has yelled at me to put it away, but when it comes to bigger things, he's cool with everything