I have been on zoloft for about 3 1/2 years. I am currently on 150mg. iam tired all of the time, I basically feel like crap all of the time. I am on it for anxiety/panic attacks. I have pretty much learned how to deal with the panic attack and almost never get them anymore. I don;t want to be on meds anymore and wonder if the zoloft makes me feel like crap all of the time. My dr. said to go down to 100 mg for a while and see if some of the fatigue goes awasy. I was on zoloft once before and I remember it was sooo hard to come off of. I am scared to come off of it again. I know the side effects were terrible, but I am tired of feeling like this. Does anyone have any success stories about going off of zoloft. Was anyone else tired all of the time on it. Ihave had blood work done and there is nothing else causing the fatigue. I am also scared that the panic attacks will come back after I stop. I know that can be psychological and I can make myself have them if I think about it enough. Any advice would be great.
