Up until now I've done really well with my depression. I was diagnosed witha major depressive disorder and have been on antidepressants for years. I went off of them three months before I got pregnant and have been doing fine. BUT, the last week or so I've found that I'm losing motivation, I get irritated much easier, when my boyfriend gets home I get angry about the smallest thing. I'm always gentle with my son, I had a very ill (depressed) and abusive stepmother growing up so I'm careful to never lose my temper with him. He self weaned about two weeks ago and it seems as though that is when it got worse. Everything small problem brings me to tears, I dread waking up, dread going to work , dread going home, I avoid phone calls for no reason. I lost my WIC coupons, three months worth of formula, they will not replace, I'm so angry at myself, this is not helping my situation. Is is possible to have PPD this late or is it just stress or my old depression seeping back into my life