I recently took a rather nasty spill from my horse after taking a four ft. jump. I landed on the same spot on my back that I had landed on when I was tossed off two years ago. ANYWAY- I didn't land on my spine/tailbone, but I didn't land precisely on my hip either. I landed on my back, but off to the bottom left, right above my arse. The area is not noticeably swollen, but uncomfortable to the touch, or when I roll over in bed, etc. It also seems "harder" than the other side in the same spot. It feels almost like a tight muscle when I'm walking sometimes, but it most definitely is something more due to the pain I get from rolling over, even on softer surfaces like my bed. If I lay down on the floor, it feels that the impact side touches before the other side, and it seems like my hips are slightly angled due to some swelling or something. I'm wondering if I didn't crack the back/top part of my pelvis, around the area of my iliac crest. Any ideas? I'd like it if you can post some experience with your answer, rather than just running off to WebMD to make yourselves look good