I've taken Wellbutrin for some time with success, but am about a month into a break from it only to find the blues and cranky-ness creeping back. I'm also noticing that physically I feel better, that perhaps it was the Wellbutrin causing my constant eystrain headaches and tummy problems.
My doctor would like to put me on a different medicine, and suggessted several. After research, I think Lexapro might be best.
I've never been on an SSRI before and my biggest concerns with side effects are fatigue (problem there already) and weight gain (just vain, lol).
I did try Effexor last year, no way on that one.
Can you tell me what you have dealt with on Lexapro or if you've swithched from Wellbutrin, what did you go to?

I've been off for a month and my depression is mild-moderate. I am, however, the queen of side effect for almost anything.
Thanks for info