(just one day) ruin ur metablism? im so scares , i just made myself sick and this is the first time ever i have done this ! i binge alot , almost everyday and have been getting so depressed about it that this morning after a huge binge i made myself sick and it was horrible ! i did it about 10 times, the more i did it the more i wasnted to untill i felt almost everything had come out!! i use to be anorexic u see and have recently recovered but went into bingeing and i am determined not to become bulimic ! i know this is stupid, i no it! making urself sick does not even make you thin! i will not do it again but i am so worried that this one ttime i have done it will ruin my metablism completely as that as what i have heard from bulimics! i usually have quite a good metablism , will it ruin it , be honest if i never do it again ! i want to stop bingeing too, im so confused , how do people not??? i feel so fat and yuck! im 5-4 ,15 and about 97 pounds?please help me, i want t o get out of this cycle of eating disorders!

anyone gone thru the same thing?? and no if making urself sick just one day ruins ur metablism! i want a really high metaablism ??? how ??? im so sorry im just desperate , i must sound so annoying