with blood, ekg, and xray tests, still have found nothing wrong. Im supposed to get a follow up because one doctor thought it was Lupus but i dont have any money to go to the doctor now. My dad is rich, but i live with my mom and he wont help me out with anything.

I went to the e.r. for the extreme pain because it was in my chest alot again and they did blood tests for a thyroid but nothing wrong, and an xray of my chest to cehck for broken ribs, nothing, and an ekg, and nothing. My 4th ekg so far

I am in constant pain in my arms, legs, back and chest, hands, everywhere. i hate haveing to constantly pop pain pills. its not a heart problem, thyroid, so what is it just standing up causes my legs to have tons of burning pain, just eveyrthing i do causes pain