im 17 and i have problems with food and my weight. its not that i think im fat or anything, i just dont like food at all and dont want to eat it or anything. it just started beginning of this summer. before i was 5'11" and weighed 136. thin for my age. i have not eaten hardly anything for about a whole month and right now i weigh 112. i honestly cannot open up to people right now. i have big trust issues and dont get along well enough with my family to tell and i refuse to let myself tell anyone at school even if i feel like i want to at times. i feel kind of depressed at times and think i might have an eating disorder, but can't stop. please help i want to overcome this by myself. i want to be strong and get better without anyone elses help. im tired of crying every night and hiding all my problems with a smile when i'm out in public. i hate this, i just want to be better and healthy. and i took my blood pressure last week and it was 171/106 w/ at home monitor. whats wrong with me?

please dont tell me to see a doctor, i have no way of getting there. i just want to be better, i'm tired of passing out, feeling lightheaded all the time, feeling like im gunna throw up if im even around food, headaches, and the high blood pressure, and of course my eating problems. i just want everything to get better.