I went to the Dr who sed its nothing but I kno my something isn't right. For the past couple of months I have noticed that my hair is thinner. Im 22 n always had REALLY thick,coarse hair but now it seems flat, dull, thin and kinda frizzy.I also noticed I hav some big spots on my cheeks,neck and scalp, n that my neck n scalp are kinda itchy.The thinning seems most obvious on the crown at the back of my head.I don't notice loads of hair on my pillow bt people hav started to notice.Wat could this be down to.. here are the only things I can think of..
1) In Dec 2006 I went from blonde (bleached) to red. After a few months I got fed up and went to black. Then in May 2007 I got my hair bleached 3 times in a month to get it back to blonde. I have been having it bleached (highlights) every 3 months but the colour still is a bit red.
2) I got diagnosed with a borderline underactive thyroid(im 21) they r retesting me in 6 months (no meds)
3)I have had a mirena coil since jan 06..
I have read that the mirena can cause spots and hair thinning (i have also noticed i have more body hair) but my DR said it doesnt cause it releases hardly any hormone..

4) Im kinda overweight, but on a realy good diet now.

I just don't know what to do cause I feel so paranoid.. any ideas very welcome thanks! x