hi im really freaked out with no familly or friends to turn to or ask qwestions im turning to some nice peoplehear to tell me what you think im 17 years old and on dec 23 i woke up with my left side of chest twitching and shortness of breath went to er said i had a uri and i litteritly couldent breath for 3 weeks after that i felt like just kiling myself i was sufferying so bad thought my breathin was gonna seez then that went away and chest pain started ignored it then it got so sever on my left in my chest shoulder and back i went to my regular doctor who said i had brohncidis 5 days ago and i was givin azithromicen now i feel allot better but i have air pockets crackling in my left chest it feels like gas in my stomach but in my chest now gas btw and i get it in my left back to im really scared i still get the chest pain on the left not as long and not nearly as sever just a ach.pleas im a really nice guy i help out my friends im not your average guy if you knew me youd see how diffrent and special i am why im telling you this is becouse i really need someone to understand that and take the time to read this all and give me a good maybe long answer pleas thanks.my dock 5 days ago said it sounded like broncidis cheacked my oxigen was 100 my heart sounded good.the left side chest ach scares me most