...go to the hospital...? I am not on the pill, but I've been on a regular menstrual cycle for months now. The last time took the pill was back in May. I am not sexually active at this time, nor am I on any medication either.
Cancer runs in the family so little things like this can really scare me at times.
I had my period going on 3 weeks ago now, but when it had only been 2 weeks since it when I began bleeding again. Extremely heavily. It's been a week now and I am still bleeding. It's lightened up on the 4th day, I have no cramps or bloating or any signs that I normally have during my normal period, so I'm really stressed and scared over this.
At first it was a dark red blood and coming out almost in clumps, now it's a bright red liquid and it even smells worse than what a normal period would.

Am I just over panicking and should just breathe and wait for my appointment on dec 5th or should I look into going to the hospital. Other than what I've told, I do feel just fine, some awful stomach cramps during the night that awaken me from my dreams, but that's only happened 2 nights out of the week.