I was having some pmsing issues so my doc switched my bc from ortho tri cyclin to loestrin 24 to see how it would work for me. the 1st month was ok until my period was suposed to come and i was way moodier than normal and my lower back hurt, that was about it, BESIDES NO PERIOD!!!! I continued taking my 2nd pack of pill as directed and the same thing happend the next month. No period again... I went back to the doctor and he did NO pregnancy test and switched me to seasonique and said to go ahead and start that day on the new pill. I decided that since you don't have a preiod for 3 months on seasonique that i didn't feel safe starting it since i didn't have a period for 2 months before that, that would mean 5 months with no period. It has now been 12 days since I have taken ANY bc and still no period, no spotting, no nothing. I have taken 3 home pregnancy tests and they are all neg. How long does it take for the loestrin 24 to get out of you system so you can have a period? I don't feel pregnant and my boyfriend has used a condom every time.