Lately I have been playing video games in excess. Computer game rpgs to be precise. Likely because these are the ones that usually entrance and interest me. Anyway, playing hours on end I know inherently is probably not a good idea however I was uninformed as to the fullness of the adverse effects possible. Over course of time (not too long probably a month of prolonged exposure daily) i've begun experiencing tremors in my legs. These arent full-blown seizures by any means just involuntary twitches and spasms, similar to the effects of restless leg syndrome. The original onset of such symptoms is vague but I know they have been growing in number and frequency recently. Ive read disclaimers and such forewarning of the correlation between video games and epilepsy. However, never being diagnosed with a "seizure disorder" I wrote it off. I do have Tourettes which im not sure is equatable with a seizure disorder. Given my predisposition to neurological abnormalities though, in addition to the new symptom is raising dire concern for me, whether warranted or not. It's accompanied by other symptoms such as inattention and sometimes speech difficulty. I just dont want to allow it to progress farther than it needs to. Im going to a neurologist soon but if anyone with knowledge on the matter could shed some preliminary light on it, it would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

P.S. I'm also beset by blank stares on a common basis. "Trances" if you will, that all experience from one time to another, however, these episodes plague me daily. I dont know if they're related.