We had a baby 2 months ago and we are not willing to have another baby for atleast 3 to 4 years from now. She does not want to use pills because they left side effects on her when she last used them. Neither do she want to consume any kind of birth control as pretty much all birth controls leave side effects on a woman's body.

I have never used a condom before because i was a virgin when i got married to my wife. I would just like to know if its going to be less pleasurable for me to use a condom?...i know its not going to be as good as it is without one since i wouldn't be able to feel her....but is it going to bother me too much?....should it effect my sexual performance?... or to the worst, my married life?.....basically, how much would it bother me to wear a condom?...how much of the pleasure will it take away?