on thursday last week our coach made us run approx 1. 5 miles in the freezing rain. towards the end of the mile i began to experience stiffness in my legs (btw i'm a 16 year old girl) and a dull pain in my shins through my knee.
afterwards when i got all warmed up i begin to feel my knees begin to hurt. and ever since then i couldn't kneel, squat, bend down or rest on my knees. if i rested on my knees it feels like bruises are all over my knees and i haven't hit or run into anything becasue i'm not clumsy.
well anyways, yesterday the pain was still in both knees and i ice them and that kinda works but not really. so today i decided to jog LIGHTLY today and after only a couple minutes i started to look like as i was deformed or something when i would walk becasue i would limp. and then whenever i stood for more than 5 minutes the pain in my knees would increase and i keep have to switch from leg to leg to stay comfortable. i live in california and it's been raining for the past 5 days and temepratures are in the 46-50 range.

and right now i just finished icing on my knees and the pain has seemed to slightly increase or not have decreased at all.

tryouts for track are in less than a month and i have to start practicing, i'm in a real dilemma right now. but i obviously care more about my health.
i've never taken advil in my life, so i dont know if i should to ease the pain.

what is wrong with me and what can i do??

i'm stressing out, please help me, thanks!