Recentley i told my friend that I've been crying alot, and it's like one minute I can be happy and fine and the next minute I'm crying for no reason. Like the other night I was trying to go to sleep and i started crying but I was smiling... I hate being like this. I feel like somethings wrong I just cant figure it out. I dont pray that much anymore and I've lost my respect for God... My parents are fighting more often because my baby sister is slow in development or whatever and me and my sister being stupid and selfish hardly play with her=( Even at school I'm not happy because I switched schools and now I'm friends with these people I hardly have anything in common with. Am I depressed or something? Or is it just because it's that time of the month.. And what can I do to feel better? advil, talk to someone??? Any suggestions would be much appreciated THANKS!

and to anyone that might ask. I'm Not Emo! =S