I was thinking of getting a medical ID tag since i'm almost never with my license (i dont drive i'm 17) just in case i get in an accident with none of my family members around. I'm also asthmatic which i also dont carry around my inhaler >.< so i was wondering if i should get a medical ID tag that says my name organ donor and asthmatic with "Contact Parents" or my parents phone number. or should i just get my name, asthmatic, and my parents number? Idk i'm only going to wear it when i'm out with friends or out of town without my parents just in case. btw i'm legally a organ donor, my parents signed me off and its on my license. will getting a ID tag make it easier to be treated by emergency personel?

oh and the reason i was thinking of getting one also was because i had a severe asthma attack at the park once and my pulse dropped to 36 (80 being normal) and i was semi conscience so i couldnt communicate with anyone because i had slurred speech