Okay, this is a purely scientific question.
Please don't take into account the relative personalities of different people... Act like a chemist. Lol.

The negatives of Weed are these
Negative Mental effects
Harsh effect on the lungs (if smoked)

Those are it.
Now, I've done a lot of research on the subject, and I've worked out that THC is not directly harmful.

If you use a vaporizer, and only do Marijuana every few weeks, it actually becomes chemically impossible for Marijuana to do any harm (as long as it isn't used as a gateway drug).
It isn't physically addictive, it's mentally addictive. So if someone has decent self control, addiction isn't even an issue.

So if a person with good self control uses a vaporizer every 4 weeks or so, it completely eliminates all of the negative mental and health effects.

And so I ask:
Why does everyone assume that doing Marijuana is an unintelligent decision? (I'm not saying that it's a particularly intelligent decision, I'm just saying it's not horrible)

And no one report this, it's a legitimate question on the average Humans' opinion of Cannabis.
And I DON'T do drugs!
This is just a question.