Recently while out in Salt Lake City, UT I walked up a heck of a hill to the state capitol. It winded me big time. A day or so later I had a back pain that started on the left side and worked around to my right buttock and right leg. It hurt to sit and lay down. Only in certain positions did the pain seize and lock on me and shot sharp pains down the buttock and the back of my thigh. It wasn't constant but was worse in the mornings. I did some stretching on my own and after a few weeks it went away.
A few weeks back I was at the Grand Canyon Caverns underground and decided to walk up the very steep inclines with the tour. I wanted to see if inclines was the trigger. Steps have never been an issue nor have I ever had back pain. About 2-3 days later I started getting little jolts that turned into sharp quick intense jolts that locked into the lower right buttock and back of my thigh. It has worsened and has been with me 2 weeks now. Note that this time it didn't start on the left side and work around. It went straight to the lower buttock and back of my thigh this time.

Note to self: STAY AWAY FROM INCLINES! / Age is catching up I guess. Any ideas before I have to go to a doc. Fam is getting tired of hearing my gasps in pain. Thanks in advance. CJ