Lingering low grade temperature at night?
A few weeks ago I went home from work sick. I had a temperature and body aches. Slight nausea but not too bad. No cold symptoms. I ended up staying home for 2 weeks even though the worst of it was over with in about 3 days, because my temperature would not stay normal. - it would get up to almost 103 at times.

I've since gone back to work, but still every night I wake up at about 4 AM feeling just sort of yucky. I take my temp and it's about 99-99.8. It stays up until I take some Ibuprophen.

Other than this, I feel completely normal. I eat and exersize normally, am not overly tired, etc. This has happened to me about 4 times in my life before, over about 20 years, where the only symptom I have after a few days is a low grade temp. Eventually (after about a month) it goes away.

What is wrong with me? A doctor once suggested an STD but I have been tested for all of them with negative results. Is it some autoimmune thing? Last time, I went to the doctor and he tested for bacteria, lupus, etc. but everything was negative. My only chronic health issue is hypothyroid, which is successfully treated with medication. Should I be worried?