I'm in so much emotional pain that i can't stand it i can't sleep or eat right i lost a lot of weight.I was diagnosed with a disorder called bdd,and it's miserable as all hell,because i can't go anywhere or have fun like i used to or have a social life like i want,and i constantly obsess about how i look it's all i think about from the time i wake up to the time i go to sleep at night.I have had plenty of people tell me i'm cute,and attractive or w/e but i don't believe it at all,and all i can see when i look in the mirror is total UGLINESS from head to toe.I can't have relationships with anyone romantic or friendships,and i have even saved up my money to get plastic surgery on my nose,and i think i'm too thin,and my teeth are a little croked,and i work out constantly to the point of exhaustion,but i'm still not happy at all.My family is even getting tired of listening to me especially my mother.Is there anyone who understands what this feels like,and if so how d you cope with it?
What im asking is does anyone else feel this way,and i hate to tell you "looks" matter if you want to find someone.
Edit: i just want some advice from someone who might feel the same way!
Does anyone else have self esteem issues or body image problems..?

Does anyone have bdd,and if you do tell me how it makes you feel,and what you do to take your mind off of it..?
Edit: sarah i am seeing a therapist and taking medication,but nothing seems to help,and on top of it i'm gay,and my relationships with guys have been terrible cause of this problem i have,and i can't seem to hold onto a guy long enough cause he gets tired of my low self esteem.I was in a relationship for almost 2 years 5 years ago but it ended cause i was too hard on myself and him too,and the sad thing is that he really loved me a lot,but i ruined it by being so insecure,and also i cheated on him,and he broke up with me,and i just can't have a normal relationship with a guy.Do you think it's cause i feel this way about myself?