so ive been smoking weed for the past 1 1/2 years. i started with a little but within 2-3 months i was smoking every day, 3-4 times a day, up until last summer when i took 25 days off in a row because i started tripping on weed. i would think people were out to get me and kill me (my heart would be pounding), as well as harming my family. every time i heard a voice (at work, roomates in the other room, etc.) i would assume it was aimed at me. anyways, i didnt get help and convinced myself i was trippin, but i was always looking over my shoulder. so i got back into weed like last august and have been smoking every day since then, and for most of those days, all day. i dont think im gonna get killed now (strong mind i guess), but ever since that trippin i still have this uneasiness i cant explain whenever i smoke. not to mention, i am always tired, mentally foggy, and physically feel like shit. im really active, work out 3-4 times a week, never miss class at college, and never miss work.
so despite the fact i smoke weed, it kind of contradicts my motivation and goals. also, ive noticed my personality (outgoing and funny) is more quiet now. i used to be the loud kid in the class, now i dont say a word. i think its the same with girls. im messing up with them because im not on top of my game 100% of the time with weed. i want to actually feel good from the working out i do and notice it. will i become outgoing again?

OH AND BTW, I FORGOT TO MENTION. 420 was my last day of weed. i started my non weed era today (havent smoked, gave away all my weed)