I'm gonna start this on the 30th.
If I cut out soda's and everything sweet, drink nothing and plenty of water, stay under 30g of carbs, under 1500 calories, run on Tuesday, Thursdays, and Sundays. & do crunches every night as many as I can do. What is a difference I may see in the first 10 days? Whats a difference I'll see in a month?

I'm just curious. I am more motivated when I see that something is improving (:

I would like to start lifting weights, but no money for a gym or to buy some yet, but I will get too it. No, I am not putting it off, I honestly have no money =\

I work M,W,F&Sat., and go to classes in college M,W,F.

I want to lose like 30 lbs by summer. Any suggestions?
Hey dude! Thanks for the encouragement!

If you don't have anything to say, then shut up, and go back to your myspace or whatever you do to waste time online.

I'm seeking advice from people who are interested in giving it. Dipshit.

& I have before, just get sidetracked and with some lifestyles its hard, I live by myself half the time, my whole check goes to my mom every month to help with rent, so it's not like I have the money to go spend on alot of health stuff or those fad diets some of y'all like.

Serious answers only please!